Cinema for Peace Gala
The global Cinema for Peace Gala was established following the events of September 11th 2001. Along with leading representatives of film, politics, media, business and philanthropy, the Cinema for Peace Initiative combats humanitarian abuses, inequality and human rights violations through the medium of film. In the past years, Cinema for Peace has been supported by Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, Charlize Theron, Leonardo DiCaprio, George Clooney, Sean Penn, Richard Gere, Ben Affleck, Brad Pitt and public figures such as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mikhail Gorbatschov, Oprah Winfrey, Bill und Hillary Clinton, Muhammad Ali, Desmond Tutu, Bono, Bob Geldof, the Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela. With the help of several media platforms it was possible to create around 10 billion media contacts and raise over 10 million Euros in donations. The most important event is the annual Cinema for Peace Gala in Berlin, which gives the most valuable movies of the world a platform for their campaigning.
At this and other Cinema for Peace events in Cannes, New York, Los Angeles and Africa the humanitarian efforts of filmmakers are honoured. Furthermore, film productions that deal with current problems in conflict zones are presented to a broad public.

Sports for Peace
The initiative „Sports for Peace“ was invented during the preliminary stages of the olympic games 2008 in response to the question whether sport or major sporting events could be obliged to common ideals. In „Sports for Peace“ athletes from all over the world gain an important platform on which they can join their responsibility to promote the essential intrinsic values of sport: fair play, tolerance, the olympic ideal of freedom, international and intercultural understanding.
As a politically independent initiative „Sports for Peace” offers a neutral basis to foster the spirit of fair play, the sense of community and the elimination of prejudice. In 2010 Nelson Mandela joined forces with „Sports for Peace“ as an honorary patron with UN secretary general Ban Ki-Moon and president Zuma at the FIFA world cup in South-Africa in order to promote education for children.
Help Haiti Home
Help Haiti Home is the fundraising platform of Sean Penn for his humanitarian work in Haiti with which he raises 4-8 Million USD per year. It was invented by Jaka Bizilj for Sean Penn, the first edition was financed and produced by Star Entertainment for Cinema for Peace and Penn’s foundation JP/HRO. Guests and supporters included Bill and Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Julia Roberts, Leonardo DiCaprio and George Clooney. Performers have included in recent years U2 , Madonna and the Red Hot Chilli Peppers.

Live 8
Live 8 war ein weltumspannendes Rockkonzert unter dem Motto „Make Poverty History“, das am 2. Juli 2005 gleichzeitig an zehn Orten der G8-Mitgliedstaaten sowie in Südafrika stattfand.
Am 6. Juli 2005 fand zudem ein elftes Live-8-Konzert in Edinburgh statt. Die Konzerte wurden von Bob Geldof und Bono, dem Sänger der Band U2, initiiert und organisiert.
Star Entertainment unterstützte diese Aktivitäten, produzierte einen primetime Spielfilm, vermittelte Bob Geldof als Chefredakteur der BILD-Zeitung mit einem Fokus auf Afrika und Bekämpfung extremer Armut, und co-organisierte den Flug und die deutsche Künstler-Delegation für den „Final Push“ in Edinburgh, der bsp Campino und Claudia Schiffer ebenso angehörten wie die US-Gäste Susan Sarandon und Tim Robbins.